Tuesday, August 28, 2007

20. YouTube

Bad luck, I can't get onto YouTube or some of the video adding sites. The public can though, I don't know about that after my experiences with YouTube. Cheers, Fiona.

16. Wikis

Today we learnt about Wikis. Now I know what they are. I know little people can edit lots of things on websites. Cheers, Fiona C. Now I know not to trust Wikipedia, as a librarian.

7. RSS and newsreaders

Now I know what an RSS is, it is not an SOS but Really Simple Syndication not really simple person. Cheers, Fiona.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Exercise 11. Library thing.

I've just been into the Library thing website and have listed the first serious school text book I read many moons ago. I'm sure my list will grow, if I start from Kinder years. I could not look at the front cover straight away, as the covers are not coming up from the council server. It is interesting to note the amount of covers over the years for To kill a mockingbird. Here's a question to you, first one, gets a frog, What did Scout get dressed up as for the Local Fair?
Cheers, FiFi.

What else a girl really needs!!

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more Exercise 10-11, I love this image generator thingy and I shall send you one, when I'm an expert, of course!

What a girl really needs after blogging!

Exercise 5.
Today completed this, now I do need to drink this picture!

Monday, March 12, 2007

FiFi's first blog

Hi there, this is officially FiFi's first blog. She has done many things for the first time, but it is the first time she has blogged in the open!
I work in a library and am actually not a bookworm (maybe a tiny one!) and no, before you ask me, it is not quiet at work and I don't read all day!
Cheers, Fifi.